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home Company Vision & Core Value Core Value

Excellent management focusing on sustainable management and profitability. We think people, future and environment.

Human respecting management philosophy and frontier spirit challenging the limitHanil Cement is dedicating the utmost efforts to realizing customers dreams and happiness on the basis of pioneering spirit to ceaselessly challenge the extremes and management ideology that 'enterprise is people' to respect the human. Under the new management environment of the 21st century, Hanil Cement will further advance in terms of diverse customer services and development of products with added values by establishing information system of the highest standard in Korea. Hanil Cement is endeavoring to create safer and more comfortable world as well as to achieve affluent future for harmony between environment and humanity.

  • 01. Information Management of the 21st Century.

    In the 21st century, the digital era, information and knowledge resources are the most important elements in competition. At this, Hanil Cement has already completed implementation of high-tech infrastructures, such as internal information and communications networks, electronic authorization systems and manager information systems as well as enterprise-level resource management system. Through this, Hanil Cement has established information management systems for the 21st century.

  • 02. Management for Customer Satisfaction

    21st century is the era of customers. Hanil Cement will always endeavor for customer satisfaction. By introducing real name system for production and sales, of which employees are to be responsible for the products produced and sold by themselves, Hanil Cement will exert its best efforts for quality and service improvement and will also keep our ears open to the valuable opinions of our customers. Hanil Cement will advance as a better company to satisfy stockholders, employees and customers.

  • 03. Management Prioritizing Environment

    In order to make contributions towards preservation of environment and affluent lives of the human race through corporate activities to respect the future, environment and humanity, Hanil Cement is thoroughly administering environment-friendly production activities, efficient use of energy and resources and increase of resource recycling, etc. so that to recognize 'environment' as one of the core elements of management, to establish environmental policies and to put them into practice.

