Developed the core of National infra industry
Hanil Cement established in 1961 has developed the core of National infra industry such as Remitar and Cement and Remicon. Hanil Cement will develop as a substantial and solid company that is receiving recognition for social contribution, rather than pursuing external expansion.
- 2017Year
- 09Month.Danyang Plant, selected as ‘green growth’ (Ministry of Environment)
- 09Month.No.1 Company in 2017 KS-QEI (Korean Quality-Satisfaction index) (Korea Standards Association)
- 07Month.Hyundai Cement became subsidiary of Hanil Cement
- 02Month.Awarded Grand prize in co-prosperity management at the 2017 Korea Ethical Management Grand prix (New Industry Management Academy)
Awarded for fourteen consecutive years in cement industry of the Most Respected Company in Korea (Korean Management Association)
- 2016Year
- 09Month.No. 1 Company in 2016 KS-QEI (Korean Quality-Satisfaction index) (Korea Standards Association)
- 08Month.Yeoju plant started operations
- 03Month.Appointment of the 5th Chairman, Huh Gi-ho
- 02Month.Awarded for thirteen consecutive years in cement industry of the Most Respected Company in Korea (Korean Management Association)
- 2015Year
- 09Month.No. 1 Company in 2015 KS-QEI (Korean Quality-Satisfaction index) (Korea Standards Association)
- 02Month.Awarded for twelve consecutive years in cement industry of the Most Respected Company in Korea (Korean Management Association)
Awarded Grand prize in environment management at the 2015 Korea Ethical Management Grand prix (New Industry Management Academy)
- 2014Year
- 09Month.No. 1 Company in 2014 KS-QEI (Korean Quality-Satisfaction index) (Korea Standards Association)
Danyang Plant, selected as ‘green growth’ (Ministry of Environment) - 08Month.Awarded in cement industry of Korea Great Work Place Index (Korean Management Association)
- 02Month.Awarded for eleven consecutive years in cement industry of the Most Respected Company in Korea (Korean Management Association)
- 2013Year
- 09Month.No. 1 Company in 2013 KS-QEI (Korean Quality-Satisfaction index) (Korea Standards Association)
- 02Month.Awarded for ten consecutive years in cement industry of the Most Respected Company in Korea(Korean Management Association)
- 2012Year
- 09Month.No. 1 Company in 2012 KS-QEI (Korean Standard-Quality Excellence index) (Korea Standards Association)
Sejong started operations - 08Month.Gongju started operations
- 08Month.Nominated as best company in category of non-metals at 2012 Sustainable Management Awards in the Second Half of the Year (Eco Frontier)
- 02Month.Awarded for nine consecutive years in cement industry of the Most Respected Company in Korea(Korean Management Association)
- 2011Year
- 12Month.50th anniversary of establishment of Hanil Cement Co., Ltd
- 09Month.Danyang Plant, selected as ‘green growth’ (Ministry of Environment)
- 09Month.Danyang Plant nominated as Green Company (the Ministry of Environment)
- 09Month.No. 1 Company in 2011 KS-QEI (Korean Standards-Quality Excellence Index) (Korea Standards Association)
- 06Month.Awarded Grand Prize at the 20th Corporate Awards for Economic Justice by Citizens' Coalition for Economic Justice
Danyang factory operating waste heat power plant - 05Month.Establishment of 10th cement mill
- 02Month.Awarded for eight consecutive years in cement industry of the Most Respected Company in Korea (Korean Management Association)
- 2010Year
- 09Month.No. 1 Company in 2010 KS-QEI (Korean Standards-Quality Excellence Index) (Korea Standards Association)
- 04Month.Completion of pyeongtaek plant
- 02Month.Awarded for seven consecutive years in cement industry of the Most Respected Company in Korea (Korean Management Association)
- 02Month.Danyang Plant achieved longest accident-free period (902 days)
Advance to Respected Company by Enhancing Status

- 2009Year
- 09Month.No. 1 Company in 2009 KS-QEI (Korean Standards-Quality Excellence Index) (Korea Standards Association)
- 02Month.Awarded for six consecutive years in cement industry of the Most Respected Company in Korea(Korean Management Association)
- 2008Year
- 11Month.Constructed Daegu Storage (storage capacity 7,000 tons)
- 09Month.Awarded for 2008 Best Company in Korea (Korea CEO Association)
- 06Month.Opened Technical Center
- 03Month.Attained KS certification for four types of low-heat cement
- 02Month.Awarded for five consecutive years in cement industry of the Most Respected Company in Korea(Korean Management Association)
- 2007Year
- 11Month.Achieved goal of ten accident-free periods in Incheon Plant
- 10Month.Awarded Grand Prize at the 17th Corporate Awards for Economic Justice by Citizens' Coalition for Economic Justice
Hwaseong plant started operations - 09Month.Received 2007 Best Korean Company Grand Award (Korea Executive Association)
- 09Month.Received Minister of Environment Prize at Korea ESH Value Management Awards
- 04Month.Awarded for four consecutive years in cement industry of the Most Respected Company in Korea(Korean Management Association)
- 2006Year
- 09Month.Awarded Grand Prize at the Korea Ethical Management Awards in the welfare system sector by New Korea Management Development Institute
- 08Month.No. 1 Company in 2006 KS-QEI (Korean Standard-Quality Excellence index) (Korea Standards Association)
- 05Month.Awarded for three consecutive years in cement industry of the Most Respected Company in Korea(Korean Management Association)
- 04Month.Completion of Mokpo plant
- 03Month.West Incheon plant and West Daegu plant started operations
- 2005Year
- 12Month.Awarded for Customers Satisfaction in 31st National Quality Management Contest
(Ministry of Commerce, Industry, and Energy) - 11Month.Exemplary Manufacturer in the KS-QEI(Korean Standard-Quality Excellence index) Appraisal
(Korea Standards Association) - 10Month.Prime Minister's Prize for the 2005 World Standards Day (Ministry of Commerce, Industry, and Energy)
- 09Month.Selected as an exemplary business in labor-management relation 2005 by the Ministry of Labor
Awarded Grand Prize at the Korea Green Management Awards by Korea Management Association - 06Month.Acquired new technology Remiguard Construction Method certified by the Ministry of Construction and Transportation
Started construction of Remitar Plant in Mokpo - 05Month.Completed construction of Special Remitar Plant in Jochiwon
Awarded for two consecutive years in cement industry of the Most Respected Company in Korea(Korean Management Association) - 03Month.Danyang Plant received presidential commendation on 32nd Trade Day in model managers category(Ministry of Industry and Energy.)
- 02Month.Awarded Grand Prize at the Korea Ethical Management Awards in the welfare system sector by New Korea Management Development Institute
- 01Month.Received Excellence Award for 1st Transparent Management Awards (Five Economic Organizations)
- 2004Year
- 12Month.Enterprise Integrated Certification of ISO 9001/14001 (Korean Standards Association)
Awarded Grand Prize at the 14th Corporate Awards for Economic Justice by Citizens' Coalition for Economic Justice - 10Month.Awarded Grand Prize at the 2004 Standardization Awards in the excellent KS company field by the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy
- 09Month.Awarded Grand Prize at the Korea Green Management Awards by Korea Management Association
- 07Month.Awarded Grand Prize at the 2004 Environmentally-Friendly Management Awards by Korea Economic Daily
- 06Month.Awarded in cement industry of the Most Respected Company in Korea (Korean Management Association)
Remitar selected as the Hit Product in the first half of 2004 (Korea Times) - 05Month.Selected as an Outstanding Company in the non-metal area by Daishin Composite Management Assessment (Daishin Economic Research Institute)
- 03Month.Received commendation on 38th Tax Day (Minister of Finance)
- 2003Year
- 12Month.Received the 2003 Korea Management Grand Award (Korea Management Association)
- 10Month.Received the 2003 Outstanding Workplace Award (Korea Economic Daily-Levering)
- 09Month.Remitar received the 2003 KS Grand Award (Korea Standards Association)
- 05Month.Given the 'Industrial Peace Golden Tower Award' on the 38th Invention Day
- 02.Given the twelfth Economic Justice Company Award
(in the category of primary metal and none metal)
- 2002Year
- 12Month.Given the 'Maegyeong Hit Product & Hangyeong Consumers' Award' for Remitar
- 10Month.Given the '2002 Hangyeong Appropriate Workplace Award'
- 07Month.Selected as a superior company in terms of the credit rate
- 06Month.Given the first prize for transparent accounts and
exported home Remitar to Japan first in Korea
- 2001Year
- 12Month.40th anniversary of establishment of Hanil Cement Co, Ltd.
- 11Month.Given the Best Package Design Competition for home Remitar
- 09Month.Attained KS certification for Pohang Plant Blast Furnace Slag Fine Powder
- 05Month.Selected as an official sponsor of the 36th International Technical Olympic Games
- 04Month.Selected as a superior company in terms of new labor-management culture
- 2000Year
- 11Month.Haman plant started operations (Remitar)
- 11Month.Recorded one million tons of yearly Remitar shipment
- 03Month.Received commendation on 34th Tax Day (Minister of Finance)
Consider and select for business extension

- 1999Year
- 09Month.Attained patent registration for Omega 2000, a high-strength multi-purpose admixture
- 08Month.Received first Y2K certification in industry
- 03Month.Received presidential commendation at Trade Day
- 1998Year
- 12Month.Signed contract for demonstration of voluntary energy conservation
- 10Month.Constructed Susaek Slio Storage (storage capacity 5,000 tons)
- 09Month.Received commendation at Employment Promotion Day for the Handicapped (Minister of Labor)
- 08Month.Produced 25kg home Remitar first in the industry
- 03Month.Received commendation on 32nd Tax Day (Minister of Finance)
- 1997Year
- 06Month.Expanded 9th cement mill
- 03Month.Given the sixth Economic Justice Company Award (in the category of primary metal and none metal)
- 03Month.Held declaration ceremony for reinstitution of company motto
- 1996Year
- 09Month.Received industrial commendation on 97th Railroad Day (head of Korail)
- 06Month.Constructed Yeongju Storage (storage capacity 5,000 tons)
- 05Month.Completed the third kiln reconstruction at the Danyang plant (7.1 million tons a year)
- 02Month.Given the fifth Economic Justice Company Award (in the category of primary metal and none metal)
- 1995Year
- 11Month.Completion of Gaya plant (Remitar)
- 02Month.Set up sales headquarters in Busan
- 1994Year
- 10Month.Completion of Gaya plant (Remicon)
- 03Month.Pohang plant started operations (Slag cement)
- 1992Year
- 12Month.Completion of Jochiwon plant (Remitar)
- 11Month.Completed the construction to increase 1.5 million tons at the Danyang plant
(6 million tons a year) - 06Month.Honorary chairman Huh Chae-kyung, given the "Korean Manager Award"
(by the Korea Management Association) - 06Month.Received commendation at Employment Promotion Day for the Handicapped (Minister of Labor)
- 02Month.Received Presidential commendation at 26th Tax Day
- 1991Year
- 10Month.Launched Hanil Remitar, the first dry mortar in Korea, manufactured in Incheon Plant
- 1990Year
- 12Month.Completion of Gimhae plant (Remicon)
- 06Month.Completed the construction to increase 1.5 million tons at the Danyang Plant (4.5 million tons a year)
Stable Business Operation and Leap

- 1989Year
- 08Month.Constructed Heukseock Storage (storage capacity 5,000 tons)
- 1988Year
- 11Month.Formed an internal labor welfare fund first in the industry (contributed 1.8 billion won)
- 11Month.Completion of Gunpo plant (cement packing)
- 11Month.Received Export Tower for 10 million dollars at 25th Trade Day
- 03Month.Produced 30 million tons of clinkers from the Danyang plant
- 1987Year
- 09Month.Constructed the Daejeon Laboratory
- 05Month.Acquired the KS mark for fifth-class Portland cement (No. 114)
- 1986Year
- 03Month.Given the Industrial Peace Copper Tower Award on the 20th Tax Day (as a sincere tax payer)
- 1985Year
- 12Month.Constructed Gunpo Storage (storage capacity 20,000 tons)
- 10Month.Constructed the office building of the head office (with 18 stories above ground and four beneath ground level)
- 1984Year
- 12Month.Completed the Repol No.2 kiln NSP reconstruction at the Danyang plant (3 million tons a year)
- 06Month.Completion of Daejeon plant (Remicon)
- 1983Year
- 11Month.Completion of Seongnam plant (Remicon)
- 11Month.Established the Woodeok Foundation
- 07Month.Completion of cheongju plant (Remicon)
- 01Month.Constructed Osong Storage (storage capacity 5,000 tons)
- 1981Year
- 09Month.Completion of Yeongdeungpo plant (Remicon)
- 1980Year
- 11Month.Completed the Danyang Plant NSP renovation construction for Lepol Kiln No. 1 (annual production capacity of 2.5 million tons)
- 09Month.Completion of Busan plant (Remicon)
Consistent extension of size with improvement

- 1979Year
- 11Month.Completion of Daejeon Hume concrete pipe Plant
- 09Month.Completion of Daegu Plant (Remicon)
- 06Month.Given the 16th Superior Company Award (to celebrate the 21st anniversary of foundation of the Company Management Institute in Korea University)
- 1978Year
- 10Month.Completion of Jochiwon Plant (Remicon)
- 02Month.Completion of Busan Plant (Cement Packing)
- 1977Year
- 10Month.The 2nd Goods saving practice award citation (Presidential)
- 03Month.The 15th Labor Day citation
- 1976Year
- 11Month.Completed the construction to increase 1.1 million tons at the Danyang plant (2.1 million tons a year)
- 1974Year
- 03Month.The 8th Taxation day citation (Prime minister)
- 1971Year
- 046Month.Completion of Daegu plant
- 1970Year
- 04Month.Forwarded bulk cement first in the industry
Beginning and Growth of the Great History

- 1969Year
- 11Month.Performed IPO first in the industry (listed stocks)
- 10Month.Expanded Danyang Plant by 500,000 tons (annual production capacity of 1 million tons)
- 08Month.Completion of Yeongdeungpo Plant (Cement)
- 08Month.Constructed the Yeongdeungpo plant (200,000 tons of grindability a year)
- 07Month.Introduced private-line car for first time in industry
- 1968Year
- 08Month.Introduced ZD movement
- 1967Year
- 06Month.Completed the Know How construction of Kiln No. 1 and 2 in Danyang Plant (annual production capacity of 500,000 tons)
- 1965Year
- 10Month.Acquired the KS mark for cement (No.114)
- 05Month.AExported 52,000 tons of cement to Cambodia, Philippines, etc.
- 1964Year
- 12Month.First exported 15,000-ton cement to Vietnam
- 06Month.Constructed the Danyang plant (400,000 tons a year)
- 1963Year
- 08Month.Received Order of Industrial Service Merit (Presidential) for National Liberation Day in the category of industry
- 1961Year
- 12Month.Established the firm