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home Business Remitar Special Use


Remitar can be used for construction to prevent heat loss and dew condensation occurring at an area that faces outside, for construction requiring sound absorption and blocking, and for construction of fireproof and/or fire-resistant buildings.

As Remitar is produced in advance by the precise mixing of raw materials, Hanil Insulating Remitar is superior to existing products in construction performance and quality.

  • Areas where dew condensation is expected to occur in an apartment or general housing (Slab ceiling, wall, door frame, bathroom, storehouse, etc.)
  • Slab ceiling in a subway station and underground parking lots also works to prevent noise.
  • Anti-dew and sound-absorption constructions in large buildings such as broadcasting stations, theaters, gymnasiums, pools, auditoriums, etc.


Standard Amount Used

Thermal Conductivity

Bond Strength

Length Variation






* 1Mpa=10kgf/cm2


1. Anti-dew
It prevents moisture and mold by forming in a neutral zone and used in places with high temperature/humidity and with a large difference between the inside and outside temperatures.

2. Warmth & Insulation
With low heat conductivity and no joints, it can prevent heat loss.

3. Incombustibility
As a first grade incombustible material, it produces no poisonous gas in the event of a fire.

4. Sound Absorption
It can effectively absorb and block noises from intrusive sound waves.

5. Non shrinkage
No cracks form due to dry shrinkage.

6. Construction Performance
Designed for anyone to easily use by simply mixing with water, it may also be used with up-to-date equipment, such as silos in a large construction project.

Oh Hyun-Taek 82-2-531-7146 pake5@hanil.com

