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Han-il cement inc. pursues green enterprise which is able to develop continuously through human oriented management.

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change< What is the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)? >In order to actively handle climate change caused by global warming, the international society installed 'intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in accordance with the resolution by General Assembly of UN in 1988. In June 1992, UNFCCC was adopted in United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED).
* Korea joined UNFCCC as the 47th member in the world in December 1993 (189 member nations as of May 2005).

< Major Contents of UNFCCC >Basic Principles: All nations concerned shall participate in the activities for prevention of global warming, provided that the advanced nations with historical responsibilities for greenhouse gas emission shall bear differentiated responsibilities.
Obligatory Matters: All nations concerned shall submit national report containing national greenhouse gas emission statistics and policies/ measures to prevent global warming to UN.

< Kyoto Protocol >Reduction of greenhouse gases by UNFCCC is not legally binding. Therefore, for a substantial reduction in greenhouse gases, the Kyoto Protocol was officially effectuated on the advance nations holding historical responsibilities for greenhouse gas emission (38 nations) on the 16th of February 2005 through adaptation of the protocol in the 3rd General Assembly of States Parties (Kyoto, Japan in 1997) to stipulate emissions reductions by an average of 5.2% compared to that of 1990 during the course of the 1st commitment period (2008 ~ 2012)

Measures for Greenhouse Gas Reduction

  • · Reduction in using of fossil fuels through additional use of alternative fuels, such as waste resources
  • · Investment in new facilities and replacement with high-efficiency devices to improve energy efficiency
  • · Increased use of alternative materials

Combating Climate Change

VA AgreementHanil Cement is the first in Korea to enter into VA Agreement (voluntary agreement for energy saving and reduction of greenhouse gas emission).『Definition of Voluntary Agreement』 Voluntary agreement is non-regulatory politic means targeted to companies related to production, supply and consumption of energy, that is promoted after setting voluntary execution plans, such as in terms of goal, promotion schedule, monitoring and reporting, etc., for energy savings and reduction of greenhouse gas emission or after concluding agreement with government. Currently, voluntary agreement is being actively promoted particularly among the advanced nations and used as a part of policy mix to supplement weaknesses in the conventional politic means

Activities of Cement Industry Countermeasure Team (Organized by the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy)< Goal of Operation >The goal of countermeasure team operation is to secure capacities of countermeasure in accordance with UNFCCC of cement industry, to set the goal of greenhouse gas reduction and to establish execution strategies accordingly.
Also, by identifying the emission status in the domestic cement industry, investigating emission reduction technologies of overseas countries and reviewing applicability of Kyoto mechanism, it is aimed to identify the potential level of green house gas reductions and to establish promotion directions in the coming days.

< Operation of Countermeasure Team >A countermeasure team was organized with experts from government, industrial, academic and research sectors.
Also, a practical operation team has been formed with worksite personnel from the cement industry in order to assist the activities of our countermeasure team and to carry out actual operation activities.

Participation on T.F.Team to Estimate Emission Factor(Organized by the Ministry of Environment)As a preliminary operation to implement highly reliable greenhouse gas emission statistics and to introduce emission trading, Hanil Cement is participating in emission factor estimation activities by the T.F. Team, which was administered to increase reliability of emissions estimates by participating in the industrial sector from the stage of developing greenhouse gas emission estimation guidelines.

